VIME-DAM SUA contains essential nutrients for improving livestock and poultry

ME.............................................3 015 Kcal Cystine............................................1040 mg Crude protein.............................................220 000 mg Threonine...........................................304 mg Crude fat..............................................91 820 mg Vitamin E............................................500 mg Minerals............................................17 000 mg Amylase.............................................187 500 IU Phosphorous,............................................4 073 mg Protease...........................................,25 000 เป Calcium............................................3 307 mg Cellulase............................................10.000 IU Lysine............................................15080 mg Lipase.............................................7 500 IU Choline .............................................10000 mg Pectinase(Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, Ca, P.I, Se)......5.000 IU Methionine.............................................5 160 mg Tryptophane............................................900mg

INDICATIONS OF VIME DAM SUA * VIME DAM SUA consists of well selected nutrients of high standard feed helps to increase Productivity of feed and poultry. » VIME DAM SUA consists of protein with amino acids necessary for growth, production and reproduction. » VIME DAM SUA supplies energy necessary for maintenance and production. » VIME DAM SUA contains calcium, phosphorus with trace minerals helps the birds in skeleton formation and to enhance active and innate immunity of birds. » VIME DAM SUA supplies digestive enzymes to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients and restore * VIME DAM SUA contains lysine, choline, methionine, vitamin E and enzymes helps to increase apetite, prevents fatty liver formation and protects organs and cells from free radical injury


i) Appetite ii) Growth and daily weight gain ili)Production of eggs iv)Egg shell quality v)Feed efficiency vi)Metabolizable energy of feed vii)Period of recoveryviii) innate and active immunityix)Fulfil nutrition of birds x)Economics of former

HOW TO USE VIME- DAM SUA - Poultry: 50-100 g/50 kg feed bag. -Cows: 1 kg/30-40 kg of feed. Or 50-100 g/cow/day. - Female goat, ewes: 1 kg/30-40 kg of feed. Or 15-30 g/ewe/day. -Packing: A bag containing 20 isolated packets of 1 kg each.